Mission & Vision


Our legendary pioneer Dadasaheb Gawai visualised affordable technical education to the rural masses caught in the trap of poverty, squalor, taboo ridden mindset and lost in the mire of immediacy of the survival. We remain hinged to his vision of empowering our deprived brethren through imparting technical education which will address their needs of the day by making the recepients economically independent, making them aware of necessities of clean and hygienic living. They also need be adequately made aware of inevitability of human condition wherein morally sound and forthright approach and honest conduct errects the foundation of individual and nation building. We at Vikramshila keep in our mind these aforesaid guiding principles and try to inseminate them in the enrolled students.

Global standards of excellence are also our ambitious goals; setting up these standards will be our committed task in the days to come by.

Amelioration of the lot of the poor, down-trodden and the marginalised in the real sense of the term too is also one of our long cherished visions.



• Ushering into a better and optimistic future with a commitment to transform the society into an altogether amenable and livable place with human grace and dignity.

• Ushering into a better and optimistic future with a commitment to transform the society into an altogether amenable and livable place with human grace and dignity.

• Bringing the marginalized sections of the society to the forefront and making them co-sharer of pioneering work.

• To equip marginalised and deprived sections of the society with sound technical expertise to take the country to a brighter future.

• To march ahead with fortitude and courage taking all sections of society together in fulfilling the aspirations of people as dependable and pioneer companions in their journey to the better world.



To bring make technical education affordable to rural masses.
To extend all possible help in the development of a rural backward areas through technical expertise.
To foster the development of marginalised sections of the society.
To provide employment to enrolled pupils through useful and sustainable global Education.